Here’s a photo of the May 15th Scorpio lunar eclipse of 2022. I completed the shadow of the Earth in the yellow circle. Earth’s shadow is much larger than the moon itself, which is why the lunar eclipse lasts so long.

The moon must pass through the entire shadow to get to the other side. Hmm…is there a joke there somewhere?
“Why did the Moon cross Earth’s shadow?”
“I don’t know, why?”
“To tear out your soul.” 😁
Now compare the photo above to this schematic of the human eye! (all graphics and info from Wikipedia)

It’s unREAL how similar they are! In this case, the Earth’s shadow is analogous to the eye’s vitreous body, the Moon is analogous to the lens, and the bright unshadowed crescent is analogous to the cornea and anterior chamber.

Here they are super-imposed as a GIF:

The main portion of the eye is called the vitreous body, and contains a gelatinous watery substance, composed mostly of phagocytes, which remove unwanted cellular debris in the visual field. Therefore, it helps us to see clearly. In this GIF, it corresponds to the Earth’s shadow, which at face value would appear to do the exact opposite — to obscure. However, what is being obscured? The answer is: our feelings as usually accessed. Yet, when one thing is concealed, another is revealed. In this case, the Earth’s shadow, and also the collective sunsets and sunrises from around the world, converging around the perimeter of the Earth into a red glow onto the face of the Moon.
The shadow brings to mind shadow work, which is a key component to healthy living in this current world. The sunrises and sunsets usher in and out, simultaneously, both the light of day, and the dropping out of the Sun’s life source energy, from our collective field of view. Therefore, we may say that the Earth’s shadow allows us to spy more clearly the usually unseen. During a full lunar eclipse, that shadow impregnates that vision with the overarching themes of dawn and dusk. These two times of days are normally polar opposites. This coinciding dawn and dusk unites the awakening of humanity and the coffee drinkers on the East side of Earth with the evening fires and bedtime readings of the Western portion of Earth. Only during the full lunar eclipse can we see all of this at the same time reflected in the Moon, which always reflects the Sun’s light, whether we can see it or not. It is interesting that the only time we can bridge that gap is when the Sun’s light is shrouded. I guess we can’t have our cake and eat it too (dang it! — I thought there must be a way!)
Additionally, dawn and dusk carry additional significations of birth and death in the natal chart. This fact is even more meaningful during a Scorpio eclipse. Also, note that while a total solar eclipse is only visible to a few people at a time, the lunar eclipse is viewable to half the world at once.
Hence, the collective shadow of the Earth acts like the collective shadow side of humanity, where we can all access the same universal dark side of our species all together, all at once. Isn’t this a chance to evolve? You can ask yourself: how do I fit into the collective? What darker parts of our humanity do I contribute to? How can I incorporate this knowledge into my life in a more conscious way and then re-infuse that wisdom back into the world?
The majority of the Moon itself in this GIF roughly corresponds to the lens of the eye. That’s the part that refracts the incoming light and focuses it so that our brains can eventually makes sense of it. Since this Moon is in shadow, then again, we can see how the shadow is the very thing that allows us to focus our gaze both inwards and outwards.
The bright corner of the moon outside of the shadow corresponds to the cornea and anterior chamber. The cornea contributes about ⅔ to the eye’s focus. However, it’s fixed, unlike the lens which can fine-tune and choose the object of focus. Not yet touched by Earth’s umbral shadow, this cornea can show us the usual moods of our life, but lacks the fine focus that the shadow itself can give. The anterior chamber is host to many eye pathologies. It is filled with a clear watery substance and contributes much to the roundness of the eyeball, as well as prevents dryness. The Moon has always carried significations of moistness and fullness as well.
At the cusp of the light and dark, at the edge of the shadow, lies the pupil and iris. This is the beautiful thing. The thing that we not only see out of, but also that which we see. It draws us in. It draws us out. It makes people fall in love. It is a Venus/Sun/Moon conjunction. How interesting that here is the where the shadow meets the light. The iris is the aperture — it grows and shrinks, controlling the amount of light entering the eye, which adapts for the amount of light and dark in the room or environment. (Alternatively, you could say that it controls the amount of dark entering the eye.) Yet it’s the gorgeous colored iris that controls the size of the pupil. Together they work in tandem. The colors — blue, green, brown, sometimes a fleck of gold — and the non-color (black) working together. The light and the dark, at the cusp of the light and the dark.