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Golden Ratio

At this point, I am guessing that most astrologers know about the magic relationship between the Fibonacci sequence, the golden ratio, and the Venus cycle. Without doing a survey, this is only a guess, but it’s oft-mentioned in my astro circles. Non-astrologers, however, would have no occasion for acquaintance, and so I bring it to your attention here.

The fact that there’s a Fibonacci sequence is probably known to you, and the numbers in the sequence go 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, etc. The formula is simple: if you add any two consecutive numbers, you get the next number in the sequence. For example, 3 + 5 = 8. Prima facie, there may seem to be nothing special here. But, if you multiply any of these numbers by 1.618, then you get (approximately) the next number in the sequence. That makes the number 1.618 special, and we call it the Golden Ratio, and use the greek letter phi, or 𝜑, to denote it. It is not just special because of the mathematics, but because, they say, it is exhibited in Nature regularly — for example in the shape of seashells. I have not verified this, but it’s so often mentioned that I assume it’s true. It’s entirely possible that this is an over-simplification, and if you know about this and want to share with me, then please do.

However, this sequence definitely does have meaning in astrology. (Astrology is very friendly to associations, so there are probably other fun sequences that we could find significant also.) For example, Venus repeats a pentagram, a 5-pointed star, every 8 years. We won’t get into the details here, other than saying that it’s the Venus/Sun conjunctions that make the star points, but those are both Fibonacci

numbers. Perhaps more impressive, and purely geometrical, is the fact that the pentagram itself is saturated with 𝜑. You can see in this illustration here, which I grabbed from, that the red line is 𝜑 times the green line, which is 𝜑 times the blue line, which is 𝜑 times the magenta line.

Sometimes I get the need to sit in my office alone and perform some mathematical study. This morning, I got real curious about the Golden Ratio, so I opened up a spreadsheet and did this.

There is some interesting info here, but chief among it is that 144 is one of the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence. Treating each number as degrees of the zodiac, 144˚ is a biquintile in astrology. This is ⅖ of a circle, or the distance between every other point on the pentagram. The next number of the sequence that exhibits a perfect multiple of the quintile (the distance between two adjacent points on the pentagram) is about 1 ½ million million. That’s like going ‘round and 'round the zodiac, skipping every other point of the pentagram about 11 billion times. Put another way, if you’re looking for a number in the Fibonacci sequence that captures the essence of a quintile, or the pentagram, you only need to look at the 12th number (12 also being a critical number in astrology, obviously), 144, to find it (amazingly, 12*12 = 144 also). That’s less than a couple of years of Venus traveling through the Signs. But if you want the next number that perfectly corresponds to this pentagram, you’d have to wait for the length of time of about 14 universes to get there. That’s a long time. This makes the biquintile special, since its the only astrological aspect that we can use in this lifetime, or any conceivable lifetime, unless perhaps you are Brahma.

The quintile represents things like inspiration, playful creativity, and unique talents. The biquintile connects two gifts, and is a point of grace in between two difficult aspects, or time periods. Jupiter and Pluto quintile all month long this August 2022. This could be interpreted as an opportunity to plumb a secret treasure; or new hope for psychological resilience. On August 5th, just for a day, Mercury biquintiles Pluto, encouraging your particular mental gifts to support this emerging paragon.

Finding quintile patterns in your horoscope is exciting, and imbues a sense of magic into your life.

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1 Comment

Karl Hess
Aug 02, 2022

I like the number 12, since it is a base-12 universe, not base-10, as some might think. I also like the idea of 14 universes. I wonder how long a life cycle of a universe is? Is that what you meant?

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